this site was made with the intention of it being viewed on a computer. if you're on mobile, go in horizontal mode for optimal viewing! trust me, everything will make more sense that way.welcome to my weird al shrine! here i'm gonna be a little crazy... but that's what the weird al world is all about!if you somehow find this site before my main site, here's a link to it! you can see my weird al collection on there too if you're interested.


al, alfred, alan, the guy who stole my rubber chicken, mr. yankovic (if you're nasty), hombre mas sexy del mundo... whatever you call him, you know him. he's the clown prince of pop-rock parody, and we are lucky to exist within his lifetime. if you're reading this during his lifetime, that is... which you should be grateful for, if y'are. start counting your blessings, dammit!he's made many-a-album and rocked the music world with each genius parody that hit the market. weird al adapted with the new generations, which isn't something many artists can say for themselves. humble and kind, behind his cold and mean facade he puts on for laughs here and there, there's nothing foul about weird al. he's an unproblematic king, daresay.being family friendly is a great staple of his. his parodies are something you can be proud to show your grandma or your toddlers. despite growing up on the foulest of comedy and dementia, al remains clean. if you're not careful, you'll slip into discovering more of the world of dementia where this all started. if you trip in, good luck getting out...

who is weird al
my experience

song-by-song analysis coming soon!

"Weird Al" Yankovic (1983)
the accordion-heavy self-titled album where it all started! i really like this one. there's no going wrong with it. every track is as wonderful as the last, and it's one of the few albums of his where EVERY song is saved in my WAY playlist. my favorite track is Buckingham Blues!

"Weird Al" Yankovic in 3-D (1984)
while i've definitely warmed up to this one quite a bit, it's still not my favorite. a lot of people like "midnight star" and knowing what it is IS important to fandom lore, it's just not up there for me. now.. is "buy me a condo" controversial, maybe a little problematic? sure... but come on... it sounds so GROOVY! it took me a while to warm up to "mr popeil" and "king of suede," but i LOVE them now.

Dare To Be Stupid (1985)
SOOOO GOOOOODDDD!!!! the only song i don't care for would be "george of the jungle," but everything else is just PHENOMENAL. two major parody hits, "like a surgeon" and "yoda", and they both deserve it! i've noticed people really don't like "girls just want to have lunch" either because it sounds dumb or because of the story behind it... which is crazy. because it's one of my top favorite weird al songs!

Polka Party (1986)
his flop album 💔 i really really like this one! i'm glad "dog eat dog" is very popular, but the other tracks on here are pretty sad underdogs (get it?). "don't wear those shoes" gets a lot of flack, but it grew on me a LOT. justice for this album!

Even Worse (1988)
yayyy a not flop! i'm honestly indifferent on this one. i mean, i have every song saved off of it, but doesn't scream my name. "velvet elvis" is particularly important to me though, because that was the VERY first song al has ever performed live in front of me! i also particularly love "lasagna" for some reason. i'm very fascinated with italians and mockery of italians. LOL

UHF (1989)
well... i'm not the BIGGEST fan of the film itself... so i'm not the biggest fan of the soundtrack either. womp womp. it has some good ones, and you must know "the biggest ball of twine in minnesota" for fandom lore purposes, but other than that.. meh. "generic blues" and "isle thing" are great! but weren't in the movie...

Off The Deep End (1992)
REALLY wonderful album!!! fun fact, he's not actually naked in that cover.. al said he was wearing hawaiian swimming trunks, but the photo they got just made him look naked. kinda funny! anyway, my favorite is "trigger happy", but "taco grande", "airline amy" and "the white stuff" are strong contenders.

Alapalooza (1993)
i'm not super crazy about this album either. i can't really stand "she never told me she was a mime" tbh. BUT. I WILL DEFEND "BEDROCK ANTHEM" WITH MY LIFE. it's sooo good why do people hate it!? this album also has "frank's 2000" tv" which is very very important to the weird lore, and "jurassic park." my favorite is probably "livin' in the fridge"!

Bad Hair Day (1996)
I LOVE THIS ONE!!! "amish paradise" was the first song i'd ever heard from al, so it has a special place in my heart. i also drew the cover for an art project once. i reaaally love "cavity search" and "since you've been gone." my old spanish teacher is a weird al fan and his favorite song is "the night santa went crazy"! we don't discuss the coolio beef.

Running With Scissors (1999)
BAAHHH I LOVE RWS!!!!!!!! SOOO GOOODDD!!!! the only song i don't have saved is "the saga begins" but only because i don't care about star wars. and i don't really like it. BUT EVERYTHING ELSE IS AMAZING. "jerry springer" and "germs" are in my top favorites of all time, "truck drivin' song" always gets me to giggle, and "albuqerque"... i have the entire thing memorized! i have nothing but adoration for this album. the album art/theme is really wonderful, i don't really know what about it makes me so happy. he's crayzayyyy

Poodle Hat (2003)
very very very very good album. "trash day" is PAINFULLY underrated though. "couch potato" is really weak as a lead single in my opinion—i feel like "Ebay" or "Ode to a Superhero" would have been ten times stronger, and might have made the album perform better. still, it's very good! the singles on this one are really great too. i really love "bob", though i WISH this album had came out in 2002 (when he wrote it) so that the palindrome prophesy could come full circle. "genius in france" is amazing, and that godforsaken song "wanna b ur lovr"... *shivers*

Straight Outta Lynwood (2006)
sorry not sorry, i'm a HUGE BIG FAT DUMB SUCKER for this stinkin' album. it came out in the same year i was born, sooo OBVIOUSLY it was my birthday gift. albeit several months late. i love everything about it. i'm VERY HAPPY that "you're pitiful" didn't work out as the lead single, because it would've been so weak. "white & nerdy", the gangsta rap parody, just makes sense thematically. what was he thinking!?

Alpocalypse (2011)
i used to not be a very big fan of this album. the cover art just turned me off for a long time, i dunno... i can appreciate the artistry of it, what with al being one of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse (famine, because of all the food songs he used to do), but that's about it. "skipper dan" is probably my favorite! "craigslist" would be tied with it, i think... definitely a tie.

Mandatory Fun (2014)
WAAAHHHH I LOVE MF SOOOO MUUCCHH PLEASE KILL ME NOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS ALBUM!!!!!! i am totally and utterly obsessed with the theme of totalitarian/dictatorship/russian propaganda throughout the artwork. it's so powerful. powerful ass album cover. my topmost favorite song EVER of weird al's is "first world problems" off of this album. i love "handy" from this one too! about just as much as FWP. the promotional thing al did with releasing a music video every day for a couple days was really genius, IMO. i also loved the transmission teaser videos too, they're soooo cooooool. i love how much he leaned into the propaganda aesthetic! even with the tour promos, they're so AWESOME! okay i'll shut up. i just love this one.

i'm not really sure where to start with this one. growing up, i really only knew al for his song "amish paradise," as that was THE weird al song around where i grew up. i'm not sure why. maybe because i grew up in an area where the amish and mennonite frolicked about? or was it because amish paradise is his secondmost viewed youtube video? who's to interest in weird al didn't exactly start until mid summer of 2022, in the middle of my trolls hyperfixation. my friend had the idea of a weird al polka troll, in lieu of an actual polka troll in-universe, and i basically took the idea and ran. i created yanky doodle, who became one of my favorite characters i've ever created in my life. during his creation, i poked at weird al's discography, but didn't dig deep into the wasn't until i got denied access into a destroy boys concert that things started to fall into place. destroy boys used to be one of my favorite bands, so as a birthday gift, we went to see them when they were playing near us. unfortunately, for complicated reasons, we couldn't get in. simply, i was heartbroken. my mom's boyfriend wanted to make it up to me. so, knowing one of my friends had went to a weird al concert, i decided... why not?
it was october 6, 2022. graceland, memphis, tennessee. that was the date of the concert. we went all the way to TN and after the concert, my life was changed completely. even for his more casual shows, it was amazing. i don't even remember anything from it, frankly... but i remember how i felt. walking out of the venue, i felt like i was walking on cloud nine. the performance was thrilling and he sung so enchantingly, al must have put a spell on me. the very first song he played was velvet elvis, in place of the usual fun zone. the reason for this was simple: graceland was elvis presely's hometown! most of the songs he played, i was, at the time, unfamiliar with, but now they're all my favorites.
immediately after, i was pretty much hooked. i started to listen to his music and find pictures of him to save, learning everything i could as fast as i could consume. i was really excited. i still am! i'm not sure when i seriously began to collect weird al things. it probably started only after christmas of 2022, when i got a lot of weird al items thanks to my mom. that was a big boost in my collection. i used to call it a shrine, because i thought it was funny. it wasn't until late january to early february of 2023 did someone refer to it as a collection, which made me realize: "Hey.. this IS a collection!"then, on february 3, i was able to see al AGAIN. it was a pure stroke of luck, and only made possible by my dad's insane generosity. i wanted to meet weird al. for the makeup shows for the return of the vanity tour, there was a show in indiana that was quite close to me. i knew i HAD to get vip tix! in retrospect, my idea to get these tickets was so flawed that i'm really glad my dad helped me out so quickly. i was able to get that ticket and i did meet him and it was the most amazing experience even conceivable.the greatest thing from that night, aside from... you know... MEETING WEIRD AL, was that i became friends with ethan ullman of the dave & ethan's 2000" weird al podcast... which is an EXTREMELY important piece of weird al-related media. basically, i'm close personal friends with a close personal friend of weird al. how cool is that!? hey, i was even on a bonus centimetre episode! you can hear me for a little bit in the 45 cm episode.getting into weird al led me down a rabbit hole of sorts into the funny music community. while i haven't dared touch all of the dr. demento lore or anything yet, but i've found myself gravitating to the FuMP... and that's an entire can of worms for another shrine. i'm very involved with the community! through the FuMP and attending FuMPfest 2023, i've made friends with jeff morris and sulu dubow, who are very involved with the weird al/funny music lore. sulu worked alongside al in the 70s as a sidekick on the dr. demento show, and jeff is close with dr. demento since he's the official dr. demento archivist! he runs the website :)i recently went on a trip to california with jeff, something he does once a year-ish. on that trip, i was able to meet a lot of dementites! i met musical mike, whimsical will, sulu, and dr. demento himself! on top of that, i had the opportunity to have lunch with jon "bermuda" schwartz twice! he's a very nice guy. one really sad thing though, at the lunch with the dementites, al was supposed to show up but he COULDN'T because he had a voice acting gig! i hope it was WORTH IT...